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Lesezeichen [ Jobs # QR-Code # Software ]Mo 31 März 2025 23:40:32 # Tcl/Tk, Tool Command Language und Toolkit.

John K. Ousterhout

John K. Ousterhout

Interwoven, Inc.
1195 W. Fremont Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Info: Tcl Developer Xchange


  Biographical Information.

John K. Ousterhout (Pronunciation: OH-stir-howt !) is Scientist at Interwoven. He is the creator of the Tcl scripting language and is also well known for his work in distributed operating systems, high-performance file systems, and user interfaces. Ousterhout's prior positions include Founder and CEO of Scriptics Corporation, Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems, and Professor of Computer Science at U.C. Berkeley. He received a BS degree in Physics from Yale University and a PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University. Ousterhout is a Fellow of the ACM and has received numerous awards, including the ACM Software System Award, the ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award, the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award, and the U.C. Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award.


  Tcl and Tk.

For information about the Tcl scripting language and the Tk toolkit, see the home page for Tcl Developer Xchange, a site dedicated exclusively to Tcl tools, applications, and services. # Literature.

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