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. Associative Arrays .

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Languages like C, BASIC, FORTRAN and Java support arrays in which the index value is an integer. Tcl, like most scripting languages (Perl, Python, PHP, etc...) supports associative arrays (also known as "hash tables") in which the index value is a string.

The syntax for an associative array is to put the index within parentheses:

  set name(first) "Mary"
  set name(last) "Poppins"

  puts "Full name: $name(first) $name(last)"

There are several array commands aside from simply accessing and creating arrays which will be discussed in this and the next lesson.

array exists arrayName
Returns 1 if arrayName is an array variable. Returns 0 if arrayName is a scalar variable, proc, or does not exist.
array names arrayName ?pattern
Returns a list of the indices for the associative array arrayName. If pattern is supplied, only those indices that match pattern are returned. The match is done using the globbing technique from string match.
array size arrayName
Returns the number of elements in array arrayName.
array get arrayName
Returns a list in which each odd member of the list (1, 3, 5, etc) is an index into the associative array. The list element following a name is the value of that array member.
array set arrayName dataList
Converts a list into an associative array. DataList is a list in the format of that returned by array get. Each odd member of the list (1, 3, 5, etc) is an index into the associative array, and the list element following that is the value of that array member.

When an associative array name is given as the argument to the global command, all the elements of the associative array become available to that proc. For this reason, Brent Welch recommends (in Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk) using an associative array for the state structure in a package.

This method makes it simpler to share data between many procs that are working together, and doesn't pollute the global namespace as badly as using separate globals for all shared data items.

Another common use for arrays is to store tables of data. In the example below we use an array to store a simple database of names.


. Example .

   proc addname {first last} {
    global name

    # Create a new ID (stored in the name array too for easy access)

    incr name(ID)
    set id $name(ID)

    set name($id,first) $first   ;# The index is simply a string!
    set name($id,last)  $last    ;# So we can use both fixed and
                                 ;# varying parts

   # Initialise the array and add a few names

   global name
   set name(ID) 0

   addname Mary Poppins
   addname Uriah Heep
   addname Rene Descartes
   addname Leonardo "da Vinci"

   # Check the contents of our database
   # The parray command is a quick way to
   # print it

   parray name

   # Some array commands

   array set array1 [list {123} {Abigail Aardvark} \
                       {234} {Bob Baboon} \
                       {345} {Cathy Coyote} \
                       {456} {Daniel Dog} ]

   puts "Array1 has [array size array1] entries\n"

   puts "Array1 has the following entries: \n [array names array1] \n"

   puts "ID Number 123 belongs to $array1(123)\n"

   if {[array exist array1]} {
    puts "array1 is an array"
   } else {
    puts "array1 is not an array"

   if {[array exist array2]} {
    puts "array2 is an array"
   } else {
    puts "array2 is not an array"

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